Subway Pre-Opening

TBL Cinemas Complex - Unit 4 Paramaribo , Suriname

Be there to welcome the first Subway Restaurant in Suriname! The main attraction will be Zumbathon by B-Fit with music

Joe to perform in Suriname

Joe, American signer-songwriter, is scheduled to perform at the Anthony Neste Stadium on the night of March, 2.  This is the

Suriname on the Discovery Channel

The airdate and time for the program “Suriname-Hidden Opportunities”, has been finally confirmed. This will now be featured on the

Holi Phagwa* National Holiday

Phagwa is a popular Hindu spring festival, celebrated to mark the beginning of Spring on the last full moon day of

Caricom Meeting in Suriname

, United States

An Inter-Sessional Meeting of the Caricom is scheduled to take place in Suriname on March 8th and 9th.  That's what

Movie Night @CCS

CCS Henck Arronstraat 112-114, Paramaribo - Downtown, Suriname

Watch "Norma Rae" this Thursday in celebration of Women's History Month.  The movie night, organized by the U.S. Embassy in Paramaribo,